The ultimate office moving checklist
Now, these days, many offices have had to move to greener pastures, and that’s natural. However, it’s also a very stressful event. One that requires an office moving checklist to make sure that everything is under tight control by the office manager. Now, you’ve told your employees that you’re moving, you’ve surely bid at least some of them farewell, and it was a very sentimental event. Now, however, it is important that you make an office moving checklist. This will help you organize your corporate relocation in such a way that you will not be bothered in the least by the organizational problems that are bound to arise.
An office moving checklist may vary
In other words, your office moving checklist depends on the industry you’re working for. If you’re, for example, moving an accounting or a law firm, then there’s not much other than office material to move. However, if you’re moving a large scale call center, your office moving checklist is going to be much longer. Still, in both cases, there are a few crucial steps you have to take anyway, so your office moving checklist will in both cases look similar, though not the same.

If you’re dealing with electronics, you have to give it special attention
That is because it needs it. Every office has at least some hardware these days. An office needs them because it makes laborious processes such as accounting that much easier. With that in mind, there’s some sensitive hardware that every office is bound to contain, for example:
- Hard disk drives – these are important because that’s where you store all the data. They’re extremely sensitive to damage;
- Projectors and LCD screens – sensitive AND expensive. Possibly the hardest thing to move in an entire office;
- Computer cases – they’re not that sensitive, but they do contain things like processors, motherboards, RAM, so it’s best to take care of them and put them on your office moving checklist just to be safe.
Is your office furniture in order?
Are the chairs in boxes? Have you labeled the boxes? What about the tables? Have you started the disassembly? These are things you need to have on your office moving checklist, for several important reasons. First, some of these are very expensive. Second, no office can function without chairs or tables. Indeed, have you seen one? Most importantly, chairs and tables are quite large and prone to breaking. That is why every office moving checklist must have them included on the list. If you’re moving these long distance, you’ll need nothing but the best cross country movers to do such a job.
What about the leftovers?
Let’s say that there are things that you won’t be moving to your new location, however, you don’t want to throw them away, either. A good idea, of course, would be to place them within a reliable storage facility. However, if you’re not sure whether to put them on your office checklist or not, then don’t – if you want, you can sell that extra stuff or auction it off at a later date.
Pack the items by order of importance
Of course, not all items are equally important. This means, in other words, that some items get into the boxes first, while others will have to wait for their turn. This is usually done by calculating their respective value. Of course, an office laptop is more important than a piece of paper… unless the said piece of paper contains some vital info. If you want to reduce waste and make your move a little bit easier, there’s something you should consider when you’re making an office moving checklist…
Consider moving all your files into an online storage unit
And, then, dispose of all the paperwork. It can be quite a pain, finding and scanning everything, but having anything on a flash drive, a portable disc or, even better, an online cloud storage, would be great. It would save you a lot of time and effort. Your office moving checklist doesn’t need to include a vast amount of papers that do nothing but create a lack of space. If you do not need them on the spot, scan them and place the scanned copies into a cloud, then let them hit the shredder. This is how you will make your office moving checklist much shorter.
Arrange the details with the building management and with the moving company
This is, actually, maybe the most important part of the checklist. Before you even start moving and compiling your office moving checklist, you want to make sure that space will be in perfect order before you arrive. Long distance moving companies South Carolina can also make sure of this. You will also want to make sure that all utilities have been paid. You also want to reserve moving docks and the elevator for when the moving day comes. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t hold a meeting with your staff two to three weeks before the move, and get them to know the new environment. And, speaking of which…
Take some time to say goodbye to your staff
You may end up parting ways with some of your staff thanks to the move. If you’re relocating to another part of the big city, or even to another city, this means that reaching your new destination is going to become much more difficult for some employees. This is tragic and very unfortunate. Make sure you take an hour or two to say goodbye to people you used to work with.
Once you’re done with the paperwork, you can throw a party and start anew
If you’ve paid your utilities and checked your insurance (this should definitely be on your office moving checklist!) you can gather ’round your staff, bid them a good day and tell them to start anew. This is a new beginning for your company, so, good luck with your future endeavors!