Step-By-Step Plan for a Commercial Relocation

When relocating an office or an entire business to a new location, things might not be as simple as they may seem in the beginning. Commercial moving can be much trickier than household moving simply because more people are involved. Organizing everything and everyone in due time might seem like a mission impossible. Furthermore, there will be numerous moving-related tasks to think of that are connected only to commercial moving. This is why it’s crucial to get professional help. Best Cross Country Movers can offer you a vast database of moving companies to choose from.  With their help, you will be able to find the best commercial movers you could possibly hope for. But how to start? By looking at our step-by-step plan for commercial relocation, so let’s jump into it.

Making a checklist for your commercial relocation

Since it would be impossible to remember every task that needs to be done when relocating a business, the best idea would be to create a checklist that will list all the things you need to do when moving your business to a new location. This will make you organize everything on time and help you not to forget important tasks. We suggest brainstorming all ideas on a piece of paper or your laptop. That way, when you have them all in one place, you can sort them by priority. To start you off, you may make a checklist that will look something like the list below. Of course, feel free to add anything you feel is necessary or crucial to commercial moving.

a photo of a to-do list for a commercial relocation
Making a commercial relocation checklist will ensure you don’t forget about any essential moving-related tasks and help you prioritize tasks in general.

The list of activities you need to do when relocating your business

  • Inform the employees – You will need to ensure that every employee is informed about the relocation so that they can do their part in the process.
  • Give assignments to the people involved in the move – Employees can be of great help when moving a business, so it would be a good idea to give them assignments.
  • Hire commercial movers – Ensure you hire professionals for your commercial relocation after everyone has been informed.
  • Get moving supplies – If the company’s staff packs the equipment, you must ensure that numerous moving supplies are available.
  • Pack for the move – Packing will go much easier if everyone performs a small task to help.

Include your employees in the moving process

First of all, every employee within a company should know about the relocation about to happen. If you run a large company, sending a memo will be enough. But if your business is smaller, the best idea would be to have a meeting. That way, you can explain everything and assign the moving-related task to each employee. Therefore, you will ensure that your relocation due to business expansion to one of the best cities for job seekers goes well.

How can employees help?

In smaller firms, every employee can be involved in every step of the relocating process. However, this would be a problem in larger firms. If you run a large company, assigning moving managers for each department would be best. They can make sure everyone does their job when it comes to moving. For example, a specific department can be in charge of informing the clients about the move and change of address, while others can help with sorting out the company’s equipment.

two colleagues high-fiving
You can make the commercial relocation preparations go smoother if you involve your employees and give everyone a moving-related assignment.

Hiring commercial movers

Hiring professional commercial movers is one of the most crucial parts of commercial relocation. Once you set a moving date, it will give you the exact time frame in which you have to prepare for the move. The easiest way to find trustworthy professionals is to read moving reviews. We suggest choosing at least three companies to research before you make your decision. That way, you will find out whether the company you are planning to hire is trustworthy, skillful, experienced, and know everything there is to know about moving permits for commercial relocation.

Getting moving supplies and packing for the move

If you insist on packing the company’s equipment without professional help, you will need to get moving supplies. The easiest way to get appropriate supplies is to get as many as possible and stick to the essentials. The essential moving supplies include cardboard boxes, bubble wrap, packing papers, scissors, markers, and duct tape. If you believe that some of your equipment needs special packaging, it’s best to consider hiring professional packing services. Otherwise, employees can do the job. The moving manager of each department can ensure everyone at least clears out their desk and packs their belongings. Other employees can be in charge of packing the equipment they use. For example, the IT department can sort out the cables and pack electronics.

a pile of moving boxes
You must get the moving supplies yourself if you don’t hire professional packers. Stick to the essentials like cardboard boxes, bubble wrap, and packing paper.

Plan ahead and your commercial move will be a success!

Hopefully, our step-by-step plan for a commercial relocation will be helpful to you. Remember, you can always include any additional moving-related task you find essential. But let’s resume, shall we? Making a moving checklist is something you need to do first. Listing all the tasks will ensure you don’t forget anything important. Next, it would be good to inform all the employees about the relocation so that they can help out. Appoint a moving manager that will ensure everyone does their assigned tasks. Don’t forget to hire professional commercial movers since your entire moving experience depends on them. Try to choose experts that are experienced, knowledgeable, and trustworthy. Lastly, get appropriate moving supplies and make sure everyone does their part to help pack.

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