The right way to pack your kid’s room

Moving is a very stressful time, but it is even more complicated time and energy consuming process when you have children. When you want to make a cross country move with kids, you should think about them first, and be very patient. It requires a lot of time your kids to adjust to the changes. They are leaving friends behind, their school, favorite room, playground, hobbies, etc. One of the hardest parts of moving for children is the concept of packing. Make sure to involve them in the process and pack your kid’s room by respecting their wishes. Make sure they understand the process of packing and that they will see their favorite toys again in a new home. Here are some tips to make the packing process easier.

Keep your kids informed about the move

Your children are scared and anxious about the move. Make sure to keep them informed about the moving process. Sit and talk with them about moving steps. Explain to them why you are moving and show them the positive image of your new home and neighborhood. Involve them in the process of searching for a new school, hobbies, etc. And, tell them they can stay in touch with old friends.

Pack your kid's room
Make sure to involve them in the process and pack your kid’s room by respecting their wishes.

Tips to pack your kid’s room safely and efficiently

Keep your kids away from Sharp Objects

When you start to pack your kid’s room, it can be very chaotic with boxes and packing materials all over the room. So, it is easy to forget about the scissors and box cutters on the floor or the table. Your children can easily pick up a sharp object so it can lead to serious injuries. So, make sure all scissors and other sharp objects are stored away from your children.

Pack an essentials box

When you pack all toys and clothes from your kid’s room make sure to pack a special box with essentials items. The essentials box should contain your kid’s favorite toy, book, video game and other important items such as clothing, tissues, a bottle of water, snacks, etc. The essentials box should contain everything you need during the trip and first days and nights in a new home. Also, make sure to pack it last and bring with you in the car.

teddy bear
Pack your kid’s favorite toy in the essentials box

Turn packing into a game

If you want to make a moving process easier for your kids, make sure to involve them in the packing process. It can be super fun if you let them pack their favorite toys, label and decorate moving boxes. Instead of buying a stressful and chaotic process, packing can be a game for you and your children. Play some music and start to pack your kid’s room. Let them help you pack and decorate.

Use the packing time to clean the kid’s room too

We know that kids rooms are the messier in the home. Rooms are cluttered with laundry and toys. Packing your kid’s room is the perfect time to conduct a cleaning mission. Also, it is a great time to teach your kids how to clean and to give them some lessons about cleanliness. Throw away all the old toys they don’t play anymore with, old clothes, broken crayons, etc.

Toys - keep or throw away when you pack your kid's room
Kids’ Rooms are cluttered with laundry and toys. Packing your kid’s room is the perfect time to conduct a cleaning mission.

Let your kids label and decorate boxes

When you start to pack your kid’s room, use your children help to label and decorate cardboard boxes. It will save you time and energy, plus, it will be interesting for your children. Give them crayons and color pencils and let them paint the boxes. They will be happy about this fun activity.

Let them help you organize and decorate their new room

Moving to Florida with family can be even more exciting time if you ask your children for help when organizing and decorating their new room. Ask them about the color they would like their new room to be. Also, involve them in the decorating process. You want them to be happy in their new home.

Use professional packing help if you are not sure how to do it yourself

If you are not sure how to do it yourself, hire packing professionals to help you pack, move and unpack your belongings. If you hire Florida cross country movers to help you pack your kid’s room, you will also have more time to spend with your children. While professionals are packing you can help your kids adjust to this big change. So, if you want to save some time and energy hiring packing professionals is always a good idea.

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