How to organize a successful college move to Florida

Moving out of your town to go to college is a big step in a person’s life. Your college move to Florida should be a nice experience to remember. This is a hard time for your parents, do not forget about them as well. So let us help you find the easiest way to do this, without all the fuss and the mess.

Hire professional movers

Moving is always a big deal and a lot of work. The thing is, you probably cannot handle this on your own. And if you can, why should you do it when there are movers to help you? Long distance movers Florida are here to help you deal with your college move to Florida. Movers are trained professionals who do this every day. The amount of work they can do in a day may take a week for you. So opting out for movers is a time-saving option.

Make sure you call them in advance. A lot of moving companies charge less when you call months in advance. College move to Florida is something you know the time frame of. Use that to your advantage to save money when hiring a moving company.

Ask friends to help you

College move to Florida will be an emotional time for you. Saying goodbye to your childhood friends is not easy and you will be feeling a little down. Cross country moving companies and your friends as well can help you with your relocation. Since you are lacking time to hang out because of the whole moving process, combine the two. Call your friends to help you handle moving-related obligations. That doesn’t have to mean full-on work action for days.

friends helping a friend with her college move to Florida
Ask your friends to help you with your college move to Florida

Do some light work enough to be productive while you hang out. You will have time to reminisce about your past and all the happy times. Digging through your memories while decluttering can be emotional. Remember to take your time and go through this slowly. Processing your emotions the right way is equally if not even more important than the move.

Declutter before packing

Before you start buying supplies and packing there is a step you cannot miss. Your friends can help you a lot with this one and that is decluttering. The reason you need to declutter before you continue is to save money and time. As well as not to pack junk on your college move to Florida. Decluttering will save you money on packing supplies and movers as well.

The less stuff you have the less packing supplies you will need. Thus, less work for movers and no requirements for large moving crews. So decluttering will save you money in several ways. Saving time is also an important aspect. Upsides of decluttering your office are many and you should not skip on it. It takes way less time and effort to throw something away than to pack, fold, wrap etc..

Take care of yourself on moving day

Have in mind that this will be a lot of work. College move to Florida will have you exhausted for the day. So you must do your best to take care of yourself. Of course, your parent will look out for you and be super careful. But you need to listen to your body.

Make sure your college move to Florida is seamless by doing the following:

  1. Wear comfortable clothes
  2. Have refreshments and food in your essential bag
  3. Have a checklist, it will keep your anxiety at bay
  4. Stretch, breathe and do whatever relaxes you
a woman sitting on a couch
For an easy packing process wear comfortable clothes

We know this is a pretty big deal for both you and your parents. Relocating with children is not an easy task.  That is why there is a lot of tension and a great risk for you to start a fight or something. Keep in mind that all of you are very nervous. This is going to change your lives and the way you used to live. Try to count to ten before speaking of something that might hurt your parents. Leave them be, they need to feel like they are helping. This is probably a lot harder for them to handle then for you. So be gentle and consider their emotions as well.

Things to keep in mind with your college move to Florida

When moving to college there are a lot of things to consider. You will need to think of ways of transportation to your dorm and how you will manage to move out of everything. If you are flying make sure to check the prices for your luggage. Check out rental costs for mini-refrigerators and other appliances you will need in your room. Watch out for the time frame for moving you might be getting for your college move to Florida.

image of luggage
Make sure to check the luggage price if you are traveling by plane

Read your dorm rules. You might be packing something that is forbidden. Do not send all the luggage back home with your parents. Make sure you leave at least one. You will need a bag to pack for visiting your family. While we are at it, your essential bag should hold some stuff you need for the day. Unpacking right away means there is no need for the essential bag for moving to be that big. Just some snacks and water to get you through the day.

College move to Florida means starting a new chapter of your life. This is a big deal for both you and your parents so be gentle to them and to yourself as well. You can manage this pretty easily with some help from your friends, family, and movers. Good luck!

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