Top 10 inbound & outbound states for moving

You must have already read somewhere that an American moves an average of 11 times in his life. When we talk about the USA, 15.3 million households move annually in America. And these are mainly families of 2-3 members. Also, since 2020, more precisely since the beginning of the Covid 19 pandemic, 8.5 million people have found their new homes. And of the total number of moves, about 3 million people move within the USA. Now that you see all this data, you can quickly and easily conclude that the moving industry is one of the most developed industries in the USA. Also, have you ever wondered where and from where people move the most? Best Cross Country Movers will meet you with top inbound & outbound states for moving. And if you want to move, it will be easier for you to choose your new place to live.

What are the main reasons why people move?

When we talk about people and moving, and we look at their reasons for moving, we will understand that 60% of them move for the same reason. And that is a cheaper and more accessible life. Also, it’s important to say that 60% of moves take place between May and August. Because summer is a period that suits everyone, and also, the prices of moving services in that period can be said to be very high.

Suitcases on train station
People in America move about 11 times a year until they find the best place to live.

Main reasons why people move:

  • More affordable prices for real estate and utilities
  • More affordable prices for food, personal hygiene products, and other daily necessities
  • Better business opportunities and opportunities for higher earnings
  • Entertainment
  • Better education and career opportunities

These reasons led to large migrations on the territory of the USA. Also, assume that some states are more expensive and some are more affordable when it comes to life and living expenses. Since the beginning of the covid 19 pandemic, it’s very important to note that a large number of people have moved from larger to smaller areas. Also, the longest move in the previous year was 922 miles. With the increase in interstate movers since last year, the best long distance movers in Alaska revealed to us that the largest miles moved are direct to their country and they amount to about 3,727 miles.

The longest and shortest moving distances between inbound & outbound states in the USA

What is also very important to note is that 50.63 million migrants live in the USA. This means that people from other parts of the world are immigrating to the USA. So, we previously talked about migration and distances, and we said that the longest migration distance recorded was in Alaska, followed by Hawaii (3,590 miles) and Washington (2,042 miles). Best cross country moving companies in Hawaii say that the largest number of people from Hawaii moved in 2018, as many as 67,293. Which represents 4.5% of the total population. The reason for their departure from the island is cheaper living. Also, it’s important to mention the shortest migrations that took place and they mainly came from West Virginia (878 miles), Delaware (897 miles), and Mississippi (915 miles).

If you have ever wondered where people are moving and from where now you will see. We will present you with some of the busiest routes in 2021. These are California to Texas, California to New York, New York to Florida, California to Florida, California to Washington, and New York to California. You must have noticed by now that moves are taking place between New York and California in both directions. This is because both states have high living standards. And also, are two favorites when it comes to choosing a new place to live.

New York is one of the inbound & outbound states for moving

In a conversation with the best cross country movers in New York, we discovered that since the beginning of 2021, about 365,000 people have moved out of New York. And the main reasons for leaving this country are political reasons, lower taxes, climate, lower living costs, better culture, etc. Also, the biggest drop in population in New York happened during the pandemic, because people moved to smaller and quieter places. Also, as of July 2021, USPS data shows a population increase of 6,332 residents indicating a gradual return of people to New York.

Cape Liberty in New York which is one of the inbound & outbound States for Moving.
New York is one of the inbound & outbound states for moving, where the largest number of emigrants is recorded.

Based on the fact that New York is on the list of the busiest moving routes in 2021, we can safely say that New York is one of the top 10 inbound & outbound states. Also, the percentage of the population returning to New York is expected to jump significantly. Because New York is one of the best states for life with great business and life opportunities. But also, with high living standards.

Moving to and from California

We could also see that California, like New York, is one of the inbound & outbound states for moving. So, we’ll go straight to the data. We will present to you the data of outbound moving in California:

  • 2017 – 2018: -43,587
  • 2018 – 2019: -103,500
  • 2019 – 2020: – 144,780
  • 2020 – 2021: – 249,500

What we can see is that the largest number of people left California in the period between 2020 and 2021. Also, the average number of new residents in California was around 140,000 inhabitants per year, and last year that number dropped to 43,000 people. The pandemic is believed to be the biggest culprit behind the drop in migration to California. Best cross country moving companies in California have moved the largest number of people from California to smaller cities. People tended to move to smaller cities in order to avoid the possibility of contracting the covid 19 virus. But what is important is that migrations are still taking place from and to California.

Top inbound & outbound states for moving

One interesting piece of information is that 58% of Americans live in the state in which they were born, while 23.3 million adults between the ages of 25 and 44 have left their home state and sought a place to live elsewhere. That people move because of better life opportunities is confirmed by the fact that those who live outside the country where they were born to have 5,700 dollars more annual income compared to people who live in their home country. These statistics clearly show poverty and the fact that 13.8% live with incomes that are below the poverty line. So, people who decided to leave their home country moved to:

  • Idaho (67.4%)
  • Oregon (65.7%)
  • Arizona (63.2%)
  • South Carolina (61.8%)
  • Washington (59.5%)
USA flag
Each of the USA states has its advantages and disadvantages, so choose the one that meets all your needs.

You can clearly see that Idaho recorded the largest number of new immigrants, more than 250 moves. During the pandemic, most Americans moved to the southern and western US states, which was a complete trend during the covid 19 pandemic. Also, here are the countries from which the largest number of people moved. Those are:

  • New Jersey (68.5%)
  • Illinois (66.5%)
  • New York (63.1%)
  • Connecticut (63.0%)
  • Kansas (58.5%)

In addition to New York, which we have already talked about, New Jersey is also one of the states from which people leave. When we talk about New Jersey, the best interstate moving companies in New Jersey revealed to us that of the total number of those who moved, 70.5% were leaving the state, and 29.5 were coming into it. 32.6% of those who moved away did so for retirement, while 25.5% said they moved for lifestyle reasons. Also, there are 27.4% of those who move because of their family.

Idaho – One of the best inbound states for moving

According to the results of research conducted by Jaap Voss, a professor of planning and natural resources at the University of Idaho, it was found that almost half a million people moved to Idaho between 2011 and 2021. Also, in the same period, about 295,000 inhabitants left this country. Also, based on research conducted by the University of Idaho, based on census data, it was established that Idaho is the fastest-growing state in the country. This confirms to us that the best cross country moving companies in Idaho have a lot of work. And in talking with them, we discovered that some of the main reasons why people settle in this state are the low cost of living, business opportunities, education, etc. And of course, there is also the beautiful nature of this country, which makes it unique and different from others.

A girl in nature
Idaho is another state with beautiful nature in the USA.

Illinois – One of the outbound states for moving

Illinois is a state where moving takes place every day. But when we talk about people leaving this state, the best interstate moving companies in Illinois said that the highest number of emigrations from this state was recorded in 2021, when about 68% of people left this country. Also, research has shown that the working class leaves Illinois. More precisely, people who are looking for better business opportunities are moving from this state. Because of its loss of population, Illinois ranks third on the list of states from which people move out the most. And what are the reasons why people leave Illinois? The high crime rate, high taxes, and expensive real estate market are also some of the reasons why people leave Illinois.

Florida and Arizona are popular states for moving to

Florida is one of the favorite states of all those looking for a new place to live. Whether it’s young people, retirees, or people looking for a better job, entertainment, or a cheaper life. All those who decide to move should first consider all the possibilities that Florida has to offer and believe us, there are many. Florida gained 209,000 new residents during the pandemic.

One of the most interesting data is that today on average 900 people move to Florida every single day. And that’s why Florida is ranked among the top five states in the U.S. people moved to. If you also decide to become part of the population of Florida, the best cross country movers in Florida are at your disposal. Also, they will reveal to you the most beautiful natural treasures of this country as well as many other interesting facts. Your move will be fun!

Beaches in Florida that make this country one of the inbound states for moving
One of the biggest attractions in Florida and what attracts young people are its beautiful beaches.

Arizona can be said to be one of the most beautiful states in the USA. Is nature the main attraction of this country, and are people moving to Arizona for fun and better life opportunities? Yes, it can be said that it’s so! Arizona is a true wonder of the world when it comes to nature. And the more favorable cost of living and the real estate market is also in this case one of the reasons why people move to Arizona. Also, did you know that the best cross country moving companies in Arizona move about 270 people a day? This has contributed to Arizona’s population growing by 1.4% since the beginning of this year. And that makes it the 4th most populous country in the USA.

Interesting moving statistics

Did you know that people between the ages of 18 and 34 make up the largest percentage of the population that moves? Young people like to move. And they often explore new possibilities, until the moment they decide to start a family or find a place that meets all their needs. Did you know that there are approximately 50,000 moving trucks in the US working hard every day? So far, you have become familiar with the states to which the largest number of residents move, and did you know that Connecticut is one of the states with the smallest number of people who moved in the period in 2021? This state received only 5,140 new inhabitants.

One of the most interesting data is that the largest amount of waste in the USA is made up of waste from the moving industry. About 900 million cardboard boxes, 90 million pounds of packing paper, 30 million rolls of tape, 8.4 million tons of junk, and 345,000 tons of food make up waste in the USA every year. Also, the best cross country moving companies in Connecticut revealed to us that moving companies in the USA consume about 353 million gallons of fuel annually. This consumption of fuel has a positive effect on the US economy, just like the moving industry itself.

Girl searching on internet
When you decide to move, do your research and choose the best one for you.

If you are looking for a new place to live, we suggest you consider all inbound & outbound states for moving. Do your research and find out all the pros and cons of each country you are interested in. Because that’s the only way you’ll be able to make the best choice for yourself. After that, you can start with planning your interstate move. Good luck!

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