How to transport a fridge the right way

People are usually reluctant to taking certain pieces of furniture with them when they move. We usually prefer moving without that crude cargo. It is much easier to leave all heavy items and furniture as a gift to the new owners of the house. However, when moving a short distance, you may be forced to transport a fridge along with all other things from your home. So, to make it easier on you, we’ve prepared some basic tips and guidelines on how to go about preparing your fridge for transport.

Bottles of bear in the fridge before transport a fridge
Find a creative way to remove all from your fridge

Preparation to transport your fridge

First of all, the fridge is usually robust, has a large door and it can be quite heavy. You will need help to transport a fridge. It could be workers from moving companies, though. There are great moving companies that know how to help in these jobs. You can always hire Best Cross Country Movers –  one of the great moving companies Sarasota has to offer. If you have no time or money to hire them, you may use friends for it. Just make sure that you have prepared the fridge for transportation.

Empty the fridge

This is obviously the first step when transporting a fridge. Do not forget that it has many small things and perishables. It would be best if you can pack it in small bags for later. Make a list of goods that you can throw away immediately. Other items, you should simply pack in the bag. The best option is to transport food from the fridge in a small mobile fridge.

Make sure to clean it thoroughly

It will not be a good idea to transport a fridge with food residues and odor. So, do a deep cleaning of the fridge before moving. You can easily remove the stain with vinegar or dish soap. Make sure that you have removed everything from drawers and shelves. Wash them several times, until it shy. If the fridge has a freeze, melt the ice and clean it, too.

Plug off the fridge 24 hours before transporting it

Your fridge needs 24 hours to defrost completely. It especially is important for old fridges. It also needs to calm down evaporator and defrost coil. You can use towels to put below the fridge. Sometimes, old fridges release water so you will need to protect the floor.

Disconnect the fridge using the user manual

You should never change buttons or disconnect machines without an official manual. Even though you can transport a fridge based on logical steps, you should still avoid doing that. It is much better to use the manual that the manufacturer made. They surely know what is best for your appliances.

Fridge full of food
Sometimes is better to leave fridge to new house owners

Measure the fridge and make a plan

Although large, a fridge sometimes can pass through the door or even a window. If you take the right measures, you will know if you can simply get it out the door. That is why you should make a plan. You can include wheels or dolly trays if you have them. Includes as many people you can in this process. Consider hiring our professional moving companies Columbus if you are moving there.

Transport a fridge like a professional

You can use a moving company for help. However, you can also transport a fridge on your own. There are a few steps you should make, though. Some of them are the same as on every other transportation. Since the fridge is large and heavy it should be similar to the transportation of other pieces of furniture. However, you should prepare yourself for possible complications:

Prepare blankets and ropes

You will not know how the fridge is heavy before transportation starts. That is why is important to prepare everything just in case it is too heavy for simple transportation. The easiest way to transport a fridge is to use wheels, like on dolly trays. However, you will need something to protect edges and doors, too.

Prevent injuries

You and your helpers should also protect themselves when transporting a fridge. Not only that it is heavy, but it can also simply fall down, or doors can open. Make sure that you have gloves, helmets and protected heavy shoes.

Use dolly trays or lifting

You cannot simply lift the entire fridge with your bare hands. Besides its height, it is robust and has sharp edges. If you are lucky and can hire professionals, such as our interstate movers Vermont, half of the job is done already. However, if you transport a fridge on your own, make sure that you protected yourself and a fridge.

bunch of fridges
Fridges are easy to be replaced

Protect the fridge during transportation

If you damage the fridge then you did not even have to transport it in the first place. It should not be hard to protect it, though. Simply use everything that you use for furniture. Make sure that you are aware of every possible problem that may occur:

  • The truck can suddenly accelerate, which means that your fridge may fall down;
  • The same thing could happen if a truck suddenly brakes;
  • It is possible that truck will make sharp turns or drive in roundabouts, it could cause damages;
  • We do not need to remind you of speedbumps when transporting a fridge, too;
  • Do not forget that you have other furniture in the truck, those can damage the fridge.

Store the fridge in an upright position

Even though it may seem easy for transporting, the fridge is not like other furniture. You must not storage it like a chair or a locker. Every possible changing of the position can cause liquid leaking. The wrong position can also damage parts of the fridge. We are sure that you will have not those problems if you hire our cross-country movers Virginia.

Setting the fridge up in your new home

When it finally arrives, the fridge is not ready to be used yet. You need to follow a few simple instructions in order to prevent damage. It is important to put the fridge on a flat surface. It is usually a ceramic kitchen floor. Let it sit for 24 hours. The fridge has many parts filled with liquid and oils. It is important to put it upright and leave for 24 hours. After that, you can turn it on. Your journey to transport a fridge will finish with this step.

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