How to pack plants for interstate moving?

Houseplants are rather delicate. So, when moving them, you have to do it without damaging or killing your plants in the process. This is why we are presenting here a simple guide to help you. Following the instructions, you will manage to pack plants for interstate moving successfully. You will also learn how to treat your indoor plants before and during the move. Besides, with help of Best Cross Country Movers, you will find reliable companies, willing to transport plants. And, not less importantly, you will learn about plant-moving legislation. Namely, many US states are strict when it comes to moving plants across the state borders. In some cases, you will just need to present the requested documents. However, in some cases, you will have to leave your plants behind.

Before starting with preparations, be sure you can move your plant

There are two reasons why you might be unable to move your plants. We could see in many cases that moving a potplant to another part of the home can affect it. That is because most of the plants get accustomed to one place. So, it is not hard to imagine how the change in climate could affect them. Will your plant be able to thrive in the new climate? Or would it just wither?

Person in Gray T-shirt and Blue Denim Jeans Sitting on Brown Clay Pot - pack plants for interstate moving
For easier packing and transportation, replant your flowers into plastic pots.

The second reason is the law. Your potplant could be on the list of forbidden spices in your new state. So, before preparing a plant for the interstate Florida move, be sure you can bring it across the border. If that is not possible, there is no point in preparing it for the move. Instead, you can present it to some friends. Or, you can give it to a local hospital or nursing home.

Options for transporting and packing plants for interstate moving

Many moving companies have plants on their list of items forbidden for transportation. So, you should also consider other moving possibilities:

  • flying your plants (you will have to pack them in accordance with the airline’s guidance)
  • shipping them (the shipping company will advise you how to best pack and protect the plants)
  • driving them in your car (make sure your plants are not too hot or cold. They also must have enough air)

In all cases, you will have to prepare and pack your plants for the move.

Preparing plants for an interstate relocation

To pack them properly, you must first prepare your plants. And, the preparation can divide into stages. Ideally, you should start conditioning your plants three weeks prior to the moving date. Such preparation will help you to pack them in the right way. And, well-packed, they will endure changes in the environment.

Additionally, they will stay healthy during the interstate California move. So, let’s see how to prepare your plants for packing, week by week:

  1. Three weeks prior to the moving date
  2. Two weeks prior to the moving date
  3. A week before the move
  4. Two days before the arrival of the movers

Start packing preparations three weeks prior to a moving date

This is a good time to repot your plant into a plastic pot. First, it is much lighter. And, they are not as breakable as ceramic ones. When repotting, use a plastic pot of the same size. This is also a good time to inspect the plant’s roots. Make sure that are healthy, without rotting parts. And that there are no pests on the roots of the plant that can endanger it.

Person Watering a Potted Plant
Before you pack plants for interstate moving, prepare them.

Besides, when changing change pots, get rid of the old potting mix, and change it with a fresh one. That way your plant will get additional nutrients. And that will make it stronger for the coming move.

Things to do two weeks prior to packing your plant

Check your plants two weeks before packing and moving. At the same time, remove all dead leaves, branches, and flowers. Pruning will make your plant more compact. After pruning, they will also be much easier to pack and transport. In addition, when you arrive at your new home, they will look much healthier.

However, pruning can have some unwanted effects on plants such as ferns and succulents. So pack them as they are.

A week prior to moving, inspect your plants again

It is very important to make sure that no parasites and insects appeared on your plants in the meanwhile. Also, a week prior to moving is the last chance to use insecticides. That way, all pests will disappear, as well as the smell of insecticides.

Why is that important? First, closed in the box, your plant might be endangered by a too-high concentration of insecticide. Second, insecticides are on the list of non-allowable items. So, you might have a problem with your mover. And on the border as well.

Two days before the moving date

Water your plants, but be careful. Overwatering them can cause various problems, from soil freezing to fungi growth. So, just stick to each plant’s natural hydration needs. 

Close-up of Plant.
Help your plant to adjust to a new home.

How to pack plants for interstate moving?

The best is to pack your plants for interstate moving on the evening before the moving day. In case you don’t have time or are not sure how to do it, ask for the professional packing service. They will complete the entire job fast and swiftly. 

In case you decide to pack yourself, here are the steps you should follow:

  • If you are packing small ports, you can place them together in the moving box. Make sure to add separators, so the plants will not touch each another. Also, fill up all the empty space in the moving box using old papers or protective filling.
  • Before placing pots, make sure the bottom of the moving box is well-taped and secure.
  • Close the lids of the moving box. Don’t forget to write labels such as “Fragile”, “Move with care”, etc.
  • In case of packing tall plants, wrap the foliage with newspapers, or old linen. Additionally, wrap the packing tape around the papers. That way, the tall foliage will be fixed and won’t break during transportation.
  • Wrap the ceramic pots with protective layers of bubble wrap, before packing them in the moving box. You will need them to re-pot your plants back, once you reach your new home.

After the move, help your plants to recover

We could see that moving plants is not easy. But with careful preparation, you can safely pack plants for interstate moving. We have also learned that some plants can’t be moved to another state. To find out if some of your plants are among those, consult the US Department of Agriculture. So, after the preparation, packing, and moving, your plants are finally in your new home. However, keep in mind that they will need some time to adjust. Watch them carefully, and in case of any trouble, take the action to help them. Sometimes, just moving a pot to the other room can help your flower to recover faster.




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