ED's Moving & Storage

phone icon Phone Number: (253)581-2446
map icon Company Address: 4823 95th Street SW Tacoma, WA 98499
services icon Services: Local Long Distance Residential Commercial Interstate International Storage
map icon US DOT: 914878
State of operation: Alabama, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, Washington

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About ED's Moving & Storage

ED’s Moving & Storage is a moving company located in Washington and here, they are going to ensure that you can have everything that you need for a safe and stress-free move. They are a professional moving company with one goal, and that is handling your relocation without stress and issues. They are great at what they do since they have all the needed experience to do this without problems. You can get your belongings stored, or you can get a full packing services if needed. ED’s Moving & Storage can handle your move from the start to the end and you will surely be happy with the results. Call ED’s Moving & Storage and get your free moving estimate in no time!